Kambo Ceremony

The Ultimate Mind-Body Detox

What is Kambo Medicine?

Kambo medicine is the ultimate mind-body detox. In Portuguese, it is known as the “vaccine of the forest.” It is legal, non-psychoactive traditional Amazonian medicine derived from the Giant Monkey Frog (Giant Green Leaf Frog) Phyllomedusa bicolor.
Kambo pulls stored toxins out of various organ systems and purges them from the body. This process detoxifies one energetically and spiritually. While used as a defense mechanism and deadly to most animals, Kambo’s secretions provide many health benefits for humans.
The secretion is then applied through superficial burns made into the skin. Once Kambo has been applied, the immediate effects include increased heart rate, body warming, sweating, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and some lightheadedness.
While the experience can be overwhelming at the moment, clients report that afterward, they notice many physical and spiritual benefits. The “sweat” the frog secretes contains scientifically studied peptides, some uniquely stimulating endogenous opioid receptors.
Some of the compounds cross the blood-brain barrier, and others even manipulate the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, possibly working synergistically to allow other compounds from the cocktail into the brain that would not usually get through.
Kambo’s secretions provide many health benefits for humans. Some say this purgative, immunity-boosting medicine is a miracle cure. Kambo may be a potent treatment for a variety of different ailments, such as:
  • Depression
  • Migraines
  • Blood circulation problems
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Inflammatory conditions
  • Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease
  • Vascular insufficiency
  • Organ diseases
  • Cancer
  • Fertility problems
  • Deeply rooted toxins
  • Chronic pain/Arthritis
  • Addiction to opiate or prescription painkillers (Kambo reduces physical pain, thus helping people kick their addiction to other painkillers).
  • Fever and infections
  • Emotional trauma
  • Negative energies (traditionally known as “panema”)

Who Can Benefit from Kambo?

Lyme disease

Some studies suggest that the toxins found in Kambo may have antimicrobial properties that help combat the bacteria responsible for Lyme disease. Additionally, Kambo has been known to stimulate the production of natural peptides, such as endorphins and neuropeptides, which are believed to aid in pain relief and immune system regulation. These effects may relieve individuals suffering from Lyme disease symptoms, such as joint pain and inflammation.

Mold illness

Some evidence suggests that kambo may be helpful due to its ability to stimulate the immune system and promote detoxification. The peptides in kambo can activate specific cells in the body, including white blood cells, which can help to fight off infections and promote healing. Additionally, kambo has been found to increase blood circulation and improve lymphatic flow, which can aid in removing toxins from the body. While research in this area is limited and more studies are needed, Kambo may hold promise as a complementary therapy for individuals with mold illness.


Studies have shown that these peptides found in Kambo can effectively kill parasites and other microorganisms that can harm the human body. When kambo is applied to the skin, it stimulates the immune system and can cause the body to release toxins and excess fluids, which can potentially expel parasites from the body. Additionally, Kambo can help regulate the digestive system, preventing parasites from residing in the gut.


The peptides in kambo can help reset the brain’s receptors influenced by drug addiction and stimulate the immune system to help eliminate toxins from the body. Additionally, kambo has been found to help reduce anxiety and depression, which are common causes of substance abuse. Therefore, it is believed that kambo medicine can be an effective complementary treatment for people struggling with drug addiction.


Research has suggested that kambo may have potential as a treatment for depression. The chemical compounds within the Kambo secretion, known as peptides, have been found to have antidepressant effects in animal studies. Kambo may also lead to increased production of endorphins, which can have a mood-lifting effect. Additionally, Kambo’s cleansing and detoxifying properties may help clear negative energy and emotions, which could be beneficial for individuals struggling with depression.


Kambo can potentially reduce anxiety in individuals by regulating stress hormones and promoting relaxation. The peptides in Kambo have also been found to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, which may further support individuals with anxiety by relieving physical symptoms often associated with chronic stress.


Where did Kambo come from?

The use of Kambo originated in the Amazon jungle by several groups of indigenous South American peoples. It was first discovered by the western world in 1986 by Peter Gorman, and investigative journalist that had been spending time with a native a tribe called the Matses.
Kambo or sapo as some call it, was initially utilized as a medicine to aid the hunters of the tribe, giving them increased endurance, stamina, visual acuity, increased hearing ability, a reduced need for food and water, and to mask their human scent to better sneak up on animals. It was often used in conjunction with a snuff called Nu-Nu (rapé) to bring them visions of where their next successful hunt would be. It was also applied to women and children to treat various ailments such as malaria, parasites, snake bites and “panema” or bad luck.

Is Kambo Safe?

Despite the extreme physical reaction, Kambo is actually a very safe procedure if done properly under supervision by a qualified practitioner (Yoni is a Certified Kambo Practitioner, trained by a Master Kambo Practitioner who led over 3,000 ceremonies). There are some people who should not receive kambo, including those with certain heart conditions, Addison’s disease, pregnant or breastfeeding, received chemotherapy in the last 6 weeks, have had an aneurysm or stroke, are on immunosuppressant drugs for an organ transplant, have a severe psychiatric condition, or are extremely frail. Those who have done Toad medicine or 5-MeO-DMT in the last 4 weeks should not take Kambo. Severe reactions have been observed. It is best to wait 4-6 weeks after doing Toad or 5-MeO before doing Kambo.

What does it feel like when you take Kambo?

Kambo is a fairly quick experience. Usually only lasting 20-30 minutes, you’re typically over the hardest part of it in no time. First, superficial burns are made to the skin, just removing the top layer to expose the lymphatic tissue. The re-hydrated frog secretion in then applied to the burns. Shortly after application of the medicine (usually the first minute), your heart will pound harder and faster. A rushing feeling of can occur. You’ll experience a hot flushing sensation similar to a niacin flush, or as if you were inside a sauna. You may feel a pressure build up in your head.
Then the nausea will come on. Purging through vomiting is an important part of the experience as it allows you to remove physical and energetic toxins. You may have to use the restroom, have shaking, sweating, emotional releases or heavy mucus production. These are all normal ways of purging. After about 20-30 minutes you start to feel much better and are able to safely drive home after resting.
Depending on the individuals health, the aftereffects can vary tremendously. If you are relatively healthy, you will likely experience increased energy, better mood, reduced need for food or water, reduced pain, more motivation, improved clarity, feeling of peace and wellbeing, etc. If you have a chronic illness such as lyme disease, fatigue, candida overgrowth, or an autoimmune condition, you may experience a heavy detox. Something called “die-off” or herxheimer reaction can cause fatigue, achiness, or irritability while you’re detoxing. Because Kambo is such a potent antibiotic, it kills a number of pathogenic bacteria that live in your body, causing them to burst open and release their biotoxins. Die-off symptoms can last anywhere from 2-8 days. If you experience die-off, it’s usually a sign that you needed this medicine. Generally after the die off phase, the person will feel better than before they took the Kambo.
The medicine is not hallucinogenic or psychoactive like other amazonian medicines such as Ayahuasca. There is a strong spiritual component to it, however. Many people receive clarity, have emotional releases, have old memories bubble up, and experience uncanny synchronicities.. While Kambo is not hallucinogenic, it is certainly mind expansive in a very unique way, unlike any other substance.

Are the frogs harmed in this process?

No, frogs are treated with utmost respect and compassion when harvesting the venom. Kambo can only be collected from wild caught frogs living in their native amazonian jungle habitat. Frogs in captivity do not produce the venom. Some speculate that the frogs diet of insects play a role in the potency and properties of the venom.
In the traditional method, the frogs limbs are gently tied spreading it’s arms and legs in a cross-like fashion and the frog is sang to and delicately stroked on the back to provoke the frog to sweat the secretions from it’s skin. The indigenous tribes believe that if you harm the frog in any way, it’s spirit will be angered and not provide healing. After collection, the frog is then released back into its wild habitat. Often times, the frogs will be marked with an ink that wears off in about a week, so that if a frog is caught with an ink mark, they know it has not had enough time to replenish it’s venom and to collect it too frequently would give it a disadvantage at defending its self against predators.
The medicine I use comes from Kambo International (KI) and is ethically sourced directly from the Matsés in Brazil. The frogs are treated very kindly, only taking the first 20% of their secretion. By purchasing these sticks of medicine, we are directly supporting the Matsés and empowering them to continue living in the jungle and protecting it from the Brazilian government. Each Kambo ceremony helps conserve our precious Amazon rainforest and the people who are there to protect it.


Please note you may not be able to participate in a Kambo ceremony if any of the conditions below apply to you:
  • Under 18 years old
  • Pregnant or may become pregnant
  • Nursing a child under 6 months
  • Fasting or at the end of a fast or detox
  • Have taken 5-Meo-DMT or Bufo in the last 4 weeks
  • Drink distilled water
  • Epileptic
  • Organ, stem cell, or breast implants
  • Recovering from a major procedure
  • Recent scorpion bites
  • Taking low blood pressure medication
  • Select advanced stage Lyme Disease
  • Have had serious heart problems such as bypass surgery, valve replacement, or any open chest surgery
  • Have had a stroke or blood clot or are on medication to manage varicose veins
  • Have had a brain aneurysm
  • Undergone chemotherapy or radiation treatments within 6 weeks before and after
  • Have artificial devices in the body such as stent, brain devices, etc.
  • Have Kidney, Liver, or Addison’s disease
  • Have a severe mental illness (depression and anxiety are okay!)
  • Taking immunosuppressant drugs for an organ transplant
  • Received a Covid vaccine within the last 2 weeks

Rapé and Sananga

During a ceremony you will receive the opportunity to receive rapé and Sananga Medicine as part of your Kambo experience.


Rapé (pronounced hape) is a snuff that is generally a combination of tobacco, ash and various other plants, seeds, flowers, herbs etc. It is blown up the nostrils where it rapidly gets absorbed through the sinus’. Rapé is used during Kambo treatments when there is an energetic blockage, and can be used to induce purging. It is also used prior to receiving Kambo to help ground energy, clear any chaotic buzz, and focus in on our intention. If you have any anxiety prior, I strongly recommend taking the rapé, and it will ground you mentally.


Sananga is made from the Amazonian plant Tabernaemontana undulata. The fermented extract contains various alkaloids, including ibogaine-like compounds. It is administered as eye drops. Sananga has been used traditionally to improve visions in the third eye, as well as treat a number of ocular conditions in the eyes. It contains powerful antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds that improve eye health. It is believed to clear “Panema” or bad luck/negative energy. One drop is placed in each eye while lying down. Sananga causes an intense burning sensation for a about a minute, but dissipates quickly. The experienced is usually over within 5-10 minutes. Afterwards the individual has improved vision, groundedness, relaxation and sense of spiritual clarity. The sensation is similar to what having chili paste put in your eyes, would feel like.


Kambo Rate: $300 per person

Please note, that to proceed with the service, payment is required upfront and it is non-refundable once paid.

Kambo Travel Rate: $350 per person

Please note, if you would like us to travel to you, we kindly ask that you provide a minimum of 10 attendees. To ensure a smooth and worry-free experience, we do require that you cover the costs of flights, hotel, and transportation upfront. We know that plans can change, but please note that we cannot offer any refunds.

Book Your Kambo Ceremony

Excited to get the ultimate mind-body detox? Schedule a 20 minute call with Yoni to ensure kambo is a safe and good for you, and book your appointment.
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